Anyala has made it to Emergenza festival semifinals! The semifinals will be held at On The Rocks Helsinki in January of 2023!
The qualification round in Bar Loose Helsinki on the 10th of September was a fun night with great bands and artists playing throughout the night. Anyala was the first in line to hit the stage, and even though the evening had just started, the energy of the crowd was simply stunning. We would have wanted to play a longer set for you all! The sweat was pouring and the pit was moshing so hard! After we played, it was nice to see such a variety of different kinds of acts in the competition. It was pretty much impossible to say who was going to make it. We can’t wait to hit the stage in the semifinals with the rest of the bands who made it!
We want to thank each and every one of you who came to see us and vote for us! We wouldn’t have made it to the semifinals without you! Also a big shout out to Emergenza and Bar Loose staff for organizing such a neat event and hosting an amazing night. It was nice to witness such a smooth event with so many bands. Thank you!
Cover photo by Kalle Kervinen